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Uit ArchiMate:"Business objects represent the important 'informational' or 'conceptual' elements in which the business thinks about a domain. Generally, a business object is used to model an object type (cf. a UML class), of which several instances may exist within the organization. A wide variety of types of business objects can be defined. Business objects are passive in the sense that they do not trigger or perform processes.
Business objects may be accessed (e.g., in the case of information objects, which are most common in the application domains in which ArchiMate is applied, they may be created, read, written) by a business process, function, a business interaction, a business event, or a business service. A business object may have association, specialization, aggregation, or composition relationships with other business objects. A business object may be realized by a representation or by a data object (or both). The name of a business object should preferably be a noun."