
Een betekenis is de kennis of expertise die, in een bepaalde situatie, aanwezig is in een bedrijfsobject of in de representatie daarvan.
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ArchiMate 2.0
Eigenschap voor begrippenlijst
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Uit ArchiMate:"A meaning is the information-related counterpart of a value: it represents the intention of a business object or representation (for example, a document, message; the representations related to a business object). It is a description that expresses the intent of a representation; i.e., how it informs the external user.

It is possible that different users view the informative functionality of a business object or representation differently. For example, what may be a 'registration confirmation” for a client could be a “client mutation” for a CRM department (assuming for the sake of argument that it is modeled as an external user). Also, various different representations may carry essentially the same meaning. For example, various different documents (a web document, a filled-in paper form, a “client contact” report from the call center) may essentially carry the same meaning.

A meaning can be associated with a representation that carries this meaning. The name of a meaning should preferably be a noun or noun phrase."

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