
Een infrastructuurinterface is het toegangspunt waar de door een node aangeboden infrastructuurservices benaderd kunnen worden door andere nodes en applicatiecomponenten.
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ArchiMate 2.0
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Uit ArchiMate:"An infrastructure interface specifies how the infrastructure services of a node can be accessed by other nodes (provided interface), or which functionality the node requires from its environment (required interface). An infrastructure interface exposes an infrastructure service to the environment. The same service may be exposed through different interfaces.

In a sense, an infrastructure interface specifies a kind of contract that a component realizing this interface must fulfill. This may include, for example, parameters, protocols used, pre- and post-conditions, and data formats.

An infrastructure interface may be part of a node through composition (not shown in the standard notation), which means that these interfaces are provided or required by that node, and can be used by other nodes. An infrastructure service can be assigned to an infrastructure interface, which exposes the service to the environment.

The name of an infrastructure interface should preferably be a noun."