
Versie door WikiSysop (overleg | bijdragen) op 30 mrt 2018 om 18:21 (Installed/upgraded by SmartCore)
Een node is een hardware- of softwaremiddel waarop artefacten kunnen worden opgeslagen of geïnstalleerd om uitgevoerd te worden.
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ArchiMate 2.0
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Uit ArchiMate:"Nodes are active processing elements that execute and process artifacts, which are the representation of components and data objects. Nodes are, for example, used to model application servers, database servers, or client workstations. A node is often a combination of a hardware device and system software, thus providing a complete execution environment. These sub-nodes that represent the hardware devices and system software may be modeled explicitly or left implicit.

Nodes can be interconnected by communication paths. Artifacts can be assigned to (i.e., deployed on) nodes.

The name of a node should preferably be a noun. A node can consist of sub-nodes.

Artifacts deployed on a node may either be drawn inside the node or connected to it with an assignment relationship."